Information about coronavirus in different languages

Publisert: 23.03.2020
Preventing transmission is the most important step to slow down the infection rate and avoid widespread illness. With fewer people in need of medical care at the same point of time, our health and care services will be better able to care for those in need. We can all help to prevent transmission - Thank you for contributing!

Letter from the Mayor and the Municipal Chief Medical Officer

Local information about the corona virus

Multilingual video campaign about the corona virus

(These films we have been allowed to use by the municipality of Bergen).

It is necessary that as many people as possible get information about the corona virus. Here are videos in 20 different languages about the importance of the measures against corona virus.

The languages are: Amharic, Arabic (Iraq), Arabic (Syria), English, French, Italian, Kinyarwanda, Krio, Kurdish, Luganda, Norwegian, Oromo, Persian, Polish, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish and Urdu.

See the films at YouTube / Bergen kommune

Nasjonal informasjon om koronaviruset
Informasjon om koronaviruset for døve

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